jueves, 31 de octubre de 2019

Tantric Impact by Toine Knipping

Tantric Impact by Toine Knipping

What good is financial success if it doesn’t lead to fulfillment, satsifaction, and happiness? Toine Knipping, the co-founder and CEO of Amicorp, an independent global provider of company secretarial and fiduciary services, tackles that question head-on in this book. Drawing on wisdom from Tantric masters, who said that the fabric of life can provide true and everlasting fulfillment only when all the threads are woven according to the pattern designated by nature, he reveals how to: • Control your wealth and use it well. • Encourage and empower employees to give back. • Embrace high ethical standards and community involvement. Knipping also describes charitable projects, impact investments, and social enterprises drawn from his personal experience to provide context and show the elements involved in any one investment. From setting up an outsourcing business in India, to starting a social enterprise in South Africa to protect endangered species, to establishing a daycare center in Curacao, you’ll be inspired to give back with the lessons in Tantric Impact. To learn more or order the book:
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