Pedro J. Perez, Writer and researcher of Consciousness
- Since I was a child, I have acted in an altruistic way, helping the people around me as much as I could. Later, when I started working, I also financially helped the people around me, perhaps more than my own situation allowed. Even before I started working, I was already collaborating with a sponsorship NGO for children in Africa. I currently contribute to two NGOs and help some people I know personally, some of them live in countries with very low resources ... WE HAVE TO HELP US, and that is why I intend to allocate at least 10% of the sales generated by the books to continue helping people and NGOs that need it, because, although they have created a human Jungle where everyone fights against everyone, WE ARE ALL ONE.
... Even my mother reminds me on occasion what happened as a child and I told her that her mother, my grandmother, came to visit me to say goodbye the night she died.
I was always very sensitive to everything around me. And I suffered a lot in my childhood and adolescence for all the negative behaviors that I appreciated in the people who accompanied me on my way of life. And I had to endure enormous tension, not because my family was the most unstructured, but especially because of my sensitivity and my way of observing things.
From a very young age, I felt and saw things that did not fit into everyday life. For example, I saw beings that theoretically did not exist, I drew symmetrical symbols full of spirals and every time I looked at the sky, in a starry night, I always saw the same stars, three aligned stars that I did not know anything about.
Also, since I was very small I asked myself the existential meaning, I was struck by all the unknown and I was interested in UFOs, the esoteric and the occult.
Interestingly, when I had a few years of life, I knew I was going to write. I felt it so intensely that it is difficult to describe it. It is like knowing something accurately and immutable before knowing it. At that time, I felt very unhappy about not understanding why a child has to suffer so much because of the incomprehension of adults. I thought that when I was a father, I would remember all those situations that I was living, in order to understand my son and thus be able to give him all my support and love.
When I turned 27, shortly after suffering a tough break in love, something happened to me. It was like an awakening. An awakening of consciousness Suddenly, I started thinking about all those things that had happened to me and that did not seem very normal. And I asked myself why. Why had it always been different? Why that sensitivity? Why did I always relate to older people because of my early maturity? Why did they come to me for advice? Why did not I draw puppets like the others? Where did those symbols come from? Why these beings? Why these stars? Why did they go to the river and come home loaded with stones and look for fossil or archeological remains instead of playing everyday? And that's when I started to get to know myself a little more ...
Pedro J. Pérez was born on April 14, 1978 in La Línea de la Concepción, although his life has developed in Estepona. At an early age, he became interested in metaphysical and spiritual themes, which lead him, years later, to investigate more deeply about some strange events that had happened in his life, entering a world of knowledge that fostered a new vision and understanding of the confused and manipulated world around him. At age 11 he writes his first poems and ten years later he decides to publish the booklet "Heartbeats".
Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres

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