sábado, 18 de julio de 2020

Learn How This Doctor Healed Her Multiple Sclerosis Through Diet and Lifestyle | Dr. Terry Wahls

Learn How This Doctor Healed Her Multiple Sclerosis Through Diet and Lifestyle | Dr. Terry Wahls

After being diagnosed with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, Terry Wahls depended on a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. However, she realized that she could improve her health on a cellular level by focusing on lifestyle and diet. Her incredible story of recovery is really a story of creating health and vitality, instead of focusing on treating the symptoms of disease. On this episode of Health Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Dr. Terry Wahls explains how a focus on cellular health can lead to extraordinary outcomes, even for people struggling with severe chronic illness. SHOW NOTES: [0:00] Fight for Your Life: Terry shares the story of how she responded to her diagnosis of Progressive MS.
[7:49] Focus on Mitochondria: Terry describes the importance of mitochondria and talks about why she focused on them.
[18:28] How to Create Health: Drugs treat symptoms but they do not create health. Terry shares stories of transformation due to diet and lifestyle changes.
[23:41] Cytokines 101: Terry explains how wear and tear is repaired in cells, and why the process can become overactive, leading to inflammation.
[27:48] Be Your Own Case Study: Why you should definitely pay attention to research, but you still have to figure out what works for you.
[31:36] Eat These Foods: Terry defines a good diet, and talks about which foods to add to your diet and which to eliminate. FOLLOW TERRY: WEBSITE: https://terrywahls.com
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/drterrywahls/
FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/TerryWahls/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/terrywahls

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