miércoles, 27 de enero de 2021

Let Me Be Your Voice by Shano Seamand

Let Me Be Your Voice by Shano Seamand

Shano Seamand is a young female living with a rare genetic disease called Friedreichs Ataxia (FA). She was a healthy able-bodied child until the age of 13 when the diagnosis was made. Having struggled to find a public voice for the disease, Shano hopes to become that voice of hope and inspiration to those also suffering from FA and other degenerative diseases. After struggling for years to find the right support, Shano is unwavering in her journey to get better and prove others wrong. Through hard work and determination, Shano hopes to stay healthy and encourage others to never give up hope. She wishes to educate others on the disease and improve understanding of the condition. This story tells of her journey with the illness, and how she will not let the disease beat her. To learn more or order the book:

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