martes, 8 de febrero de 2022

Success Comes FROM MASTERING These UNIVERSAL LAWS | Robert Greene

Success Comes FROM MASTERING These UNIVERSAL LAWS | Robert Greene

This episode is sponsored by Future. Future makes one on one training available to our audience for just $19 Go to Sign up to crush your fitness goals! “The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.” - Robert Greene, Mastery Over the course of his career, Robert Greene has written six international bestsellers, revolving around the subjects of strategy, power, mastery, and seduction. In short, Robert is one of the foremost experts on human behavior and how it manifests in the world. Today’s episode of Impact Theory highlights some of the most powerful moments from Robert’s appearances on the show. In it, you’ll learn the importance of observing yourself and others, the delicate balance between self-esteem and personal growth, Robert’s opinions on the real dangers of social media, and much more! SHOW NOTES:
00:00 | Introduction
00:45 | The Importance of Developing Awareness
09:19 | Self-Esteem, Social Media, and Facing Reality
16:16 | Acceptance and Ownership
20:29 | Amor Fati - Love of Fate QUOTES:
“You want your emotions - you need them, you're not trying to repress them - repressing emotions will lead to other problems. What you want is just that tiny little bit of distance, that ability when you're feeling it, to go back and go, ‘Hmm, why am I really feeling this? What are the roots of it?’” [04:14] “I could give you the best techniques in the world, but it won't matter at all if you don't feel that need for it, that hunger for the ability to have a slight degree of control of your own actions.” [05:40] “If you're so attuned to what other people are saying and doing and telling you and thinking, that voice gets drowned out by a million other voices, and you're not able to hear yourself anymore.” [12:48] “The ability to accept death and look it square in the eye, and accept this as your reality, that you're not going to live forever, is very liberating.” [22:48] “The time you're wasting getting enraged, and being manipulated, and feeling all these things and getting into that lizard part of you is time you're wasting, and your life is a lot shorter than you think it is.” [27:49] Follow Robert Greene:
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